Our Vision

This research initiative aims to address the growing concerns surrounding recommender systems by developing more nuanced approaches that consider domain-specific contexts and user preferences. Beyond traditional accuracy metrics, the focus is on incorporating measures of novelty, diversity, and serendipity in recommendations. A multi-level user model will be introduced, encompassing individual, group, and network levels, utilizing multi-faceted feature sets to capture implicit preferences. Clustering techniques and social relations will further enhance user understanding. The goal is to create a more comprehensive user model facilitating systematic exploration of beyond-accuracy measures across various domains. Additionally, the research will analyze the dynamics of these measures over time and evaluate the long-term impacts of bias. This endeavor aligns with the principles of Digital Humanism, emphasizing fairness and broader societal concerns in algorithmic systems.



YKMB GmbH is a newly established startup on a mission to disrupt online fashion retail. It has been co-founded in late 2019 in Vienna by an experienced team of marketing, sales and computer science experts who realized that something very essential is missing in purchasing online: The social experience of shopping together with your friends, which provide instant feedback on what suits you and what to get. The results of the CD Laboratory will be used to improve the current product and help to develop new ones.

Preisvergleich Internet Services AG

Preisvergleich Internet Services AG hosts the price comparison plattform Geizhals, which operates in Austria, Germany, the UK and Poland. Geizhals is designed to streamline the shopping process by combining their advanced data analytics and extensive product database. The goal is to empower users to make informed purchasing decisions by effortlessly comparing prices from multiple online retailers. This service optimizes the shopping experience, enabling users to save both time and money in the process of finding the right product at the right place. The results of the CD Laboratory will be used to increase the knowledge about the customer preferences and introduce strategies to elicit them.

Industry Collaborations